Thursday, January 31, 2019

Stilt Walkers Flaunt a Banner to Welcome H.E.John Dramani Mahama to Volta Region

Social media has been set ablaze as *JM* is seen trending everywhere in his new winsome pose with two stilt walkers who flaunt a banner welcoming him to the *Volta Region.*

Many did not acknowledge the relevance of these stilt walkers until the former first gentleman of the land alighted from his car to pose with them for this infectious picture at Dzolokpuita.
The picture has since received massive applause from a section of the public, including some nonsympathizers of the NDC.
Social media users can vouch for the fact that this picture is trending everywhere, and it'll be nice we continue to share it on our walls/platforms as we market our 2020 presidential candidate in the making.
*JM's* tour of the Volta Region is indeed making the rounds and one could clearly hear the rousing support of his candidature by delegates and supporters of the NDC. The tour of the Volta Region has so far been successful and will definitely end in success.
Many thanks to all the national, regional, constituency and branch executives, as well as the MPs and the organizers of *JM's* tour of the Volta Region.
Special thanks to *Hon.  Siki Abibu* (Volta Regional Organizer) for effortlessly playing his role in organizing and for bringing these *stilt walkers* on board to tour all the constituencies in the region with *JM*. He is indeed a good organizer.
Let's all join hands and build a stronger NDC together.


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Message of Hope By Volta Regional Organizer,Siki Abibu


It's with a gladden heart that I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to the rank and file of the umbrella fraternity in the Volta Region.

Let our New Year's resolution be this: *We will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.*

I wish to, first of all, render my apologies to persons or group of persons I may have offended during our reorganization period, branch elections, Constituency elections, regional congress especially, and national congresses.   Let us let go of all rage and bitterness so that we can collectively forge ahead for the common good of having a united and well discipline front with an ultimate goal of securing victory for our party come 2020.

All persons who perceived me in one way or the other that I  did  not support them or supported other candidates against them during the electioneering period, I plead that we leave all behind as we work hand in hand to re-energize the party for the 2020 task.

In line with my manifesto pledge, I promised to bring all persons on board to ensure efficiency in our resolve to have a well mobilized and organized front towards the general elections.

I want to use this opportunity to assure all our members that, what we witnessed in the just ended referendum in the Oti enclave will not be repeated during the upcoming general elections . Not even a shadow of it will be witnessed in the 2020 elections .

It is worthy to note that the NDC is not against the creation of the Oti and other  regions. It was actually captured in our 2016 manifesto (page 72) therefore, the party could not and should not be seen as being sabotaging an initiative we  promised during 2016 elections.

We sympathize with  our comrades who vehemently campaign against the division of our beloved region. The party will not fail in addressing some of the concerns raised  in relation to the procedures and the anomalies witnessed during the referendum.

We can confidently assure that all electoral malpractices we saw during this referendum will not happen in the general elections, come 2020.

We will continue to support our Oti brothers and sisters to ensure that the NPP will not use the creation of the Oti region to sway our support base.

We promised to work wholeheartedly in all ways possible to ensure a resounding victory for the party in the 2020 elections.

I wish all a happy and prosperous year.
Thank you.


Siki Abibu,Volta NDC Regional Organizer Expresses New Year's Message of Hope to All NDC members


It's with a gladden heart that I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to the rank and file of the umbrella fraternity in the Volta Region.

Let our New Year's resolution be this: *We will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.*

I wish to, first of all, render my apologies to persons or group of persons I may have offended during our reorganization period, branch elections, Constituency elections, regional congress especially, and national congresses.   Let us let go of all rage and bitterness so that we can collectively forge ahead for the common good of having a united and well discipline front with an ultimate goal of securing victory for our party come 2020.

All persons who perceived me in one way or the other that I  did  not support them or supported other candidates against them during the electioneering period, I plead that we leave all behind as we work hand in hand to re-energize the party for the 2020 task.

In line with my manifesto pledge, I promised to bring all persons on board to ensure efficiency in our resolve to have a well mobilized and organized front towards the general elections.

I want to use this opportunity to assure all our members that, what we witnessed in the just ended referendum in the Oti enclave will not be repeated during the upcoming general elections . Not even a shadow of it will be witnessed in the 2020 elections .

It is worthy to note that the NDC is not against the creation of the Oti and other  regions. It was actually captured in our 2016 manifesto (page 72) therefore, the party could not and should not be seen as being sabotaging an initiative we  promised during 2016 elections.

We sympathize with  our comrades who vehemently campaign against the division of our beloved region. The party will not fail in addressing some of the concerns raised  in relation to the procedures and the anomalies witnessed during the referendum.

We can confidently assure that all electoral malpractices we saw during this referendum will not happen in the general elections, come 2020.

We will continue to support our Oti brothers and sisters to ensure that the NPP will not use the creation of the Oti region to sway our support base.

We promised to work wholeheartedly in all ways possible to ensure a resounding victory for the party in the 2020 elections.

I wish all a happy and prosperous year.
Thank you.
